
Debunking Myths About Dental Implants

Dentist Blog

There are plenty of restorative options today for those that are missing teeth. You can get partial or full dentures, you can get bridges or same-day crowns, or you could get dental implants. In the past, some people weren't good candidates for dental implants. However, implant technology has improved, and many people have good success rates today. It's a good idea to debunk some of those old myths about certain groups that think they cannot qualify for this procedure

31 August 2018

Two Reasons You Still Need Dental Cleanings Despite Having Good Oral Hygiene

Dentist Blog

Brushing and flossing on a regular basis can go a long way towards keeping your teeth healthy and preventing long-term damage. However, here are two reasons why even people who are meticulous about their oral hygiene should still visit a dentist for professional cleanings on a regular basis. Lower Your Risk of Heart Attacks and Strokes There's mounting evidence your oral health has a great impact on your overall health. For example, according to a variety of studies, periodontal disease can increase your risk of heart attacks because the harmful bacteria in your mouth migrate through your bloodstream and aggravate already damaged blood vessels and valves, increasing the risk of an adverse event.

5 August 2018

Do You Need An Emergency Dental Appointment? Here's How To Know

Dentist Blog

It is crucial to make sure that you are well aware of when you need to seek out emergency dental help. This way, you will not have to worry that your health will be at risk because you waited. If you need a little help determining if the situation you are dealing with is one that requires an emergency dental appointment, you will want to keep reading. You See A Lot Of Pus

10 July 2018

3 Things You Should Know About Chewing Gum and Your Oral Health

Dentist Blog

Most people understand consuming large amounts of candy can be bad for your health. Not only will the calories increase your risk of gaining weight, but the excessive amounts of sugar can affect your oral health. While it may be surprising to learn, chewing gum can be beneficial to your mouth, teeth, and gums. Here are a few things you should know about gum and your oral health. Chew Sugarless Gum Only

12 June 2018

Don't Think It's Too Late: Why You Should Talk To An Orthodontist About Adult Braces

Dentist Blog

There's was a time when orthodontic braces were just for the youth. Over the years, it has become more common for adults to turn to orthodontic treatment as a way to restore their teeth. If you've been putting off orthodontic treatment because you're concerned about your age, it's time to put that concern aside. It's time to schedule a consultation with your orthodontist. Orthodontic braces can help you restore the position and appearance of your teeth.

13 May 2018

The 3-Step Plan To Take A Smile From Dreary To Cheery

Dentist Blog

Teeth come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, but it can still be difficult for one's sense of self-worth if your teeth have multiple downsides. If you're envious of the teeth of celebrities or the freshly-whitened smiles of your friends because your teeth look less than perfect and you're missing one or two, this guide is for you. Keep reading to learn how a cosmetic dentist will make your smile look better than ever.

8 April 2018

Gums That Suddenly Swell And/Or Change Appearance: Causes Identified

Dentist Blog

So, you are just going along in your day, eating and drinking as you normally would. A few hours later or the next day when you wake up, you discover that one small area of gum tissue is either swollen and painful, or red and inflamed. You try to think about what you did earlier. Did you eat popcorn and get a husk stuck in the gum tissue? Maybe a piece of meat is stuck in a gum pocket?

12 March 2018

Dental Filling Aftercare: What To Know

Dentist Blog

You might be so tired of pain that you're eager to have a cavity filled. However, once the composite or amalgam filling has been put into your mouth, you might be ready to get back to regular eating and drinking habits. Heed the following aftercare tips for your filling so that you don't do anything to dislodge it or cause more discomfort for yourself. Consider Ibuprofen You may be disturbed to experience pain after your filling because pain may be a reason that you got the filling in the first place.

12 February 2018

Benefits Of Choosing Dental Implants Over Bridges And Dentures

Dentist Blog

Whether you have missing teeth or your natural teeth need to be removed, you may want to consider replacements that keep your smile looking beautiful. These replacements can include dental implants, bridges, and dentures. The option you choose can have an impact on your everyday life, and for some people, dental implants are the best choice. Consider the following benefits of dental crowns to help you determine which option is best for you.

16 January 2018

Tooth Replacement Devices

Dentist Blog

As a person ages, he or she may lose one or more teeth. Nevertheless, there are many tooth-replacement appliances available to restore the appearance and functionality of the mouth. The application that is selected for the restoration is partially dependent on the number of teeth that are missing. Here are some of the applications that may be used to restore lost teeth:  Dental Implants A dental implant is often used to replace an individual missing tooth.

13 December 2017