Do You Need An Emergency Dental Appointment? Here's How To Know

Dentist Blog

It is crucial to make sure that you are well aware of when you need to seek out emergency dental help. This way, you will not have to worry that your health will be at risk because you waited. If you need a little help determining if the situation you are dealing with is one that requires an emergency dental appointment, you will want to keep reading.

You See A Lot Of Pus

There are a lot of people that will find themselves with an infected tooth, but they never really see anything different in their mouth when they look into the mirror. This does not mean that their infection is not serious, but it may not be as serious as you may think if you are noticing a lot of pus when you open your mouth and glance into the mirror.

The reason you would see pus is because the infection has grown so out of control that it is running out of space and it is starting to leak through your gums or tooth. At this point, the infection could be nearing your bloodstream, and if it makes it there, you could very well find yourself hospitalized.

You Can't Eat Anything

You might have been able to get away with chewing your food on only one side of your mouth for a while. However, if you are now to the point where any food in your mouth is too much pressure, it is time to see an emergency dentist.

You could have only one tooth that is in really bad shape, but you could feel the pain throughout the majority of your mouth because of how the infection can spread and how nerves are connected. Therefore, the moment you find that you are having difficulty eating you need to make an appointment for as soon as possible.

Always make sure that you being clear about the reason you need to be seen when you call in for an appointment. If you do not stress the seriousness of the situation, you could find that the receptionist will schedule you into an appointment slot that is weeks away. You could also ask to be placed on a cancel list. This way, should other patients call in to cancel an appointment that is sooner than yours is, you can get put into that time slot so you can be seen much quicker.

For more information, reach out to a dentist like Cross Creek Family Dental.


10 July 2018

Mouth Rinses Are Not Just for Bad Breath

I have always brushed and flossed my teeth daily, but I still had the occasional cavity when I visited the dentist for a check-up. He told me it was normal to have a cavity on occasion and that I shouldn't let it stress me out too much. Well, I am not one to just accept any problem I am having, so I started looking into how to improve my oral hygiene even more. I had always thought mouthwash was just to improve your breath, but I found some that said they helped keep cavities away. I started using one every day before bed. I haven't had a cavity in two years now, and I think the mouth rinse is the reason! I created this blog to remind other people that even if they brush and floss regularly, they can always find ways to take even better care of their teeth.