3 Things You Should Know About Chewing Gum and Your Oral Health

Dentist Blog

Most people understand consuming large amounts of candy can be bad for your health. Not only will the calories increase your risk of gaining weight, but the excessive amounts of sugar can affect your oral health. While it may be surprising to learn, chewing gum can be beneficial to your mouth, teeth, and gums. Here are a few things you should know about gum and your oral health.

Chew Sugarless Gum Only

Search through shelves at a convenience or grocery store, and you will see numerous types of chewing gum. From flavored gums with bursts of juice to sticks of mint or evergreen, the different options available can be overwhelming.

It is important to remember that your chewing gum should be free of sugar to ensure it is beneficial. In addition, consider gum that contains xylitol. This chemical covers the teeth temporarily, repelling bacteria and protecting your teeth and gums from decay and infections.

If you are unsure if the sugarless chewing gum you use is safe and beneficial for your smile, look for the seal of approval from the American Dental Association or ask your dentist.

Chewing Gum Increases Saliva

The actual act of chewing gum will increase the mouth's production of saliva. For many people, this excess spit is not pleasant. However, it is important to remember saliva is essential for cleaning the mouth and reducing the risk of bacteria growth and infections.

Calcium and phosphate are both found in your saliva. These ingredients are actually effective for strengthening tooth enamel, which helps protect your teeth from a variety of dental issues. One of the easiest ways to protect your smile is to chew on a piece of sugarless gum for 20 minutes after eating a meal.

Regular Oral Hygiene Is Still Important

Many people feel they can pop a piece of gum into their mouth in hopes of cleaning their teeth. Unfortunately, this is not true since chewing gum should never be used as an alternative to brushing and flossing.

Chewing gum should be used in addition to your regular oral hygiene practices. Make sure to brush as normal for two minutes at a time twice a day and floss at least once a day to protect your oral health.

Even though some consider it a candy, chewing gum can actually be a good thing for your smile and underlying oral health. By choosing the right gum and continuing with your normal oral hygiene practices, you will have a healthy and appealing smile. Talk to your dentist for more info on how you can ensure you have healthy oral health practices.


12 June 2018

Mouth Rinses Are Not Just for Bad Breath

I have always brushed and flossed my teeth daily, but I still had the occasional cavity when I visited the dentist for a check-up. He told me it was normal to have a cavity on occasion and that I shouldn't let it stress me out too much. Well, I am not one to just accept any problem I am having, so I started looking into how to improve my oral hygiene even more. I had always thought mouthwash was just to improve your breath, but I found some that said they helped keep cavities away. I started using one every day before bed. I haven't had a cavity in two years now, and I think the mouth rinse is the reason! I created this blog to remind other people that even if they brush and floss regularly, they can always find ways to take even better care of their teeth.