4 Tips For Choosing Your Dental Procedures

Dentist Blog

Dentists do their best to keep their patients' teeth healthy. Sometimes dentists need to perform cavity fillings or root canals when a patient's teeth have started to decay. If you need restoration work on your teeth, there are likely several options available to you through a dentist. Some of these options are more inexpensive than others, but every treatment has its pros and cons. Here are four steps you can take when deciding on a particular dental treatment:

15 April 2021

What Happens At A New Patient Comprehensive Exam With A Family Dentist?

Dentist Blog

Going to the dentist is something everyone should take seriously. Many people only go when they have problems, while others go every six months as dentists recommend. If you have not had a dental checkup for years, you might be interested in finding a new dentist. When you do, you can schedule a new patient comprehensive examination. You can expect the following things to occur at this visit. They Will Ask You About Your Medical History

26 February 2021

3 Things To Know About Root Canals

Dentist Blog

Hearing that you need a root canal while at the dentist can be quite overwhelming. However, if you have an infection inside your tooth, endodontic therapy, also known as a root canal, is necessary. Root canal services remove a tooth's nerves and pulp to get rid of the infection and prevent future damage. While it may seem painful, you'll feel a lot better after the root canal since it is a pain-relieving procedure.

15 January 2021

Should You Use Invisalign Or Braces?

Dentist Blog

Many people with misaligned teeth go to their dentist looking for a solution. However, they are often presented with multiple options to pick from. Two common ways to fix teeth that are crooked is to use Invisalign or traditional braces. Here is what you should know about both of these procedures so you can pick the one that works best for you. Invisalign The biggest benefit of picking Invisalign is that the treatment uses clear alignment trays that slip onto your teeth and are hardly noticeable to anyone.

2 December 2020

A Loose Dental Implant: What Causes It, And What To Do

Dentist Blog

A loose tooth is exciting for children. That baby tooth is about to come out, meaning the tooth fairy will pay them a visit, often leaving a small gift. A loose tooth can be unsettling for adults, however, and when that loose tooth is actually a dental implant, it can be downright distressing. What are some of the reasons why a dental implant can become loose, and what can be done about it?

21 October 2020

Preventing Post-Operative Bleeding After Extractions

Dentist Blog

Most routine dental extractions do not cause postoperative complications such as heavy bleeding; however, certain factors may raise your risk. Mild bleeding is normal after getting teeth pulled; however, if you experience heavy bleeding or bleeding that fails to resolve, you'll need to seek treatment at your family dentist services offices. Here are some ways you can lower your risk for postoperative bleeding after a dental extraction.  Monitor Your Medications And Supplements

3 January 2020

4 Things A Pediatric Dentist Can Do For Your Child

Dentist Blog

Your child should begin seeing a dentist for biannual appointments as soon as their first baby tooth emerges. While you could take your child to see the same dentist you visit, it's better to schedule an appointment with a pediatric dental specialist. Pediatric dentists specialize in dentistry as it pertains to juveniles. They can offer excellent dental care to your child in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Here are four things a pediatric dentist can do for your child:

30 November 2019