Everyone wants a beautiful smile, and thanks to cosmetic dentistry, there are more and more ways than ever to get the perfect smile. Veneers and porcelain dental crowns are similar procedures that can help many issues. If you would like to know more about each procedure, keep reading.
What Are Veneers vs. Dental Crowns
Veneers are thin porcelain shells that the dentist bonds to the front of your front teeth. To fit the veneers, the dentist shaves a thin layer of the tooth's enamel. However, this process permanently alters the tooth, weakening it to decay (without the protection of the veneer).
Porcelain dental crowns, as the name suggests, are also made from porcelain. However, they cover all surfaces of the tooth's crown. This means the dentist must remove more enamel. However, unlike dental veneers, crowns can be used on front or back teeth.
On back teeth, your dentist may recommend porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. These provide the same beauty as all-porcelain crowns and veneers, but they have a metal base, making them stronger to withstand chewing and grinding.
Regardless of which you get, they serve as a great alternative to enamel and better protect most of the tooth from decay. They are also resistant to staining. If you don't want your enamel removed, ask about dental bonding as an alternative.
What Cosmetic Issues Do They Correct?
Crowns and dental veneers fix many cosmetic issues, including mild gaps, mild crowding, and rotated teeth. However, unlike braces, they don't physically move teeth, they cover these imperfections. For example, if you have a gap between your front teeth, the dentist makes the veneers or crowns a little bigger to fill in that gap.
Because they cover teeth, they can also fix:
Which One Is Right for You?
When determining which is right for you, start by defining your needs. If you only care about your front teeth, veneers are probably the right answer to save money and tooth tissue. However, if your teeth are weak, dental crowns are the better choice because they strengthen weak teeth.
In some cases, your dentist may recommend a combination of veneers and crowns. Regardless of your needs, your dentist can guide you to the correct decision to meet your needs without impacting your oral health.
Cosmetic dentistry can give you the smile you've always wanted. Veneers and dental crowns are excellent options to get a beautiful smile because they fix so many issues at once. If you would like to know more, contact a cosmetic dentistry clinic in your area today.
Share15 September 2022
I have always brushed and flossed my teeth daily, but I still had the occasional cavity when I visited the dentist for a check-up. He told me it was normal to have a cavity on occasion and that I shouldn't let it stress me out too much. Well, I am not one to just accept any problem I am having, so I started looking into how to improve my oral hygiene even more. I had always thought mouthwash was just to improve your breath, but I found some that said they helped keep cavities away. I started using one every day before bed. I haven't had a cavity in two years now, and I think the mouth rinse is the reason! I created this blog to remind other people that even if they brush and floss regularly, they can always find ways to take even better care of their teeth.