Two Dental Conditions That Could Be Causing Your Porcelain Veneers To Fall Out

Dentist Blog

If you have porcelain veneers installed, you understand that having them fall out is anything but a pleasant situation. If you've ever found yourself in this situation, getting your veneers back in place and avoiding a recurrence of this issue becomes priority number one. In some cases, an underlying dental condition is to blame. Here are just a couple of the conditions that could be causing your veneers to fall out.

Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is an oral condition that causes an individual to gnash, grind or clinch their teeth without any thought about what they are doing. Some people unconsciously perform these actions while awake and some people suffer from this condition during periods of sleep. This is known as sleep bruxism. Whichever case an individual suffers from, teeth grinding is one sure way to cause your veneers to loosen and fall out.

Each time you grind your teeth, this slowly adjusts the placement of the veneer and weaken its adhesive material. Combined, both of these actions will eventually cause the veneer to detach. It's also important to mention that teeth grinding won't just cause the veneers to fall out, but this can also cause damage to the structure of the veneer, causing them to appear worn. Since teeth grinding is considered a medical concern, you will need to see your dentist for assistance with eliminating the problem.

Gum Disease

A serious issue that can cause porcelain veneers to become detached is gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Porcelain veneers are generally only as strong as the teeth they are attached to. When you suffer from gum disease, over time, the gum tissues that surround your natural teeth start to deteriorate. As the tissue deteriorates this also weakens the attachment of the veneer to your tooth. While the veneer won't immediately slip off, it will only get looser as time passes.  

Severe cases of gum disease won't just cause the veneer to become detached, but your entire tooth can fall out. Avoiding this disease involves healthy diet choices, good oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist. Don't make the mistake of forgoing regular checkups because you have veneers. Regular checks can help detect the presence of gum disease early and eliminate many of the problems.  

With proper care, porcelain veneers have the potential to last for a considerable amount of time. Make certain you are playing your part in keeping your veneers in great condition.


24 August 2015

Mouth Rinses Are Not Just for Bad Breath

I have always brushed and flossed my teeth daily, but I still had the occasional cavity when I visited the dentist for a check-up. He told me it was normal to have a cavity on occasion and that I shouldn't let it stress me out too much. Well, I am not one to just accept any problem I am having, so I started looking into how to improve my oral hygiene even more. I had always thought mouthwash was just to improve your breath, but I found some that said they helped keep cavities away. I started using one every day before bed. I haven't had a cavity in two years now, and I think the mouth rinse is the reason! I created this blog to remind other people that even if they brush and floss regularly, they can always find ways to take even better care of their teeth.